MLA Accredited Museum
Member of Museums Galleries Scotland
Charity Number SCO000223
Mull Museum, Columba Buildings,
Main Street, Tobermory PA75 6NY
Tel: 01688 301100
Welcome to Mull Museum, Tobermory.
The history of the Isle Mull is captured in the Mull Museum - a small museum crammed with information about Mull in the past.
The Museum is fully Accredited and a member of Museums Galleries Scotland, but entirely independent and staffed by volunteers - entry is free, although we depend entirely on donations.
Mon - Sat
10am - 4pm
Easter - end
of October
Our archive is subject-based and comprises material pertinent to Mull, Iona and satellite islands. There is a smaller amount of information on Coll, Tiree and the Small Isles and also the adjacent mainland.
We have created a pdf copy of our catalogue available to view online. This file is not easily viewed on a phone, links are available on our desktop and tablet versions of the website.
As the museum is mainly run by volunteers we prefer, if possible, that enquirers make an appointment to visit the museum in person to access the archive. You can make an appointment to visit us by emailing
If distance or disability prevents you from attending in person we are able to send a limited amount of archive material digitally by email.
There are no fixed charges for this service, we request only that you consider a suitable donation to the museum that would cover our costs. Please see our terms and conditions.
We endeavour to complete your requests as soon as possible within our resources.
Our catalogue is available to view online as a pdf document. Content can be searched easily on a computer but may be more difficult to search on a mobile device.
Please click here to view the catalogue.
As the museum is mainly run by volunteers we prefer, if possible, that enquirers make an appointment to visit the museum in person to access the archive. You can make an appointment to visit us by emailing There isn't always someone available to accommodate researchers who visit on spec so please book in advance to avaoid disappointment.
If distance or disability prevents you from attending in person we are able to send a limited amount of archive material digitally by email. There will be charge for this service. Please see our terms and conditions for limits & charges. We endeavour to complete your requests as soon as possible within our resources.
If you have any items that you would like to donate to the museum's archive, do get in touch. Please contact us first to make sure that the item/s fit our collecting policy and also to check whether we already have an identical item in the collection.
All donated material must be accompanied by an accession form which you can download here.
Terms & Conditions
Enquiries regarding family history records (eg census, old parish records) should be addressed to Ian Phillips at:
Our online request form limits enquiries to 10 records. If you require access to more than this please email us at:
Use of material
If you wish to use any material for commercial purposes you must contact us to discuss copyright and licensing.
For most instances of copying for personal and educational purposes we can provide digital copies of documents and some photographs, subject to copyright.
In the interest of privacy, we reserve the right to ask for additional information with regard to
providing copies of photographs of people, particularly in respect of more recent photographs and
images of children.
Whatever the copyright status of a particular photograph, we also like to consider the privacy of
those featured in a picture and what their feelings might be towards it being reproduced and
displayed in public (as they may have had no involvement in the image being given to the museum).
We would request that, if you intend to display publicly a reproduced image from the Museum’s
archive, that permission is sought from anyone featured in the photograph who is still alive. There
may be circumstances with deceased people where we would suggest seeking permission from
surviving relatives – this would have to be discussed on a case-by-case basis.
We request that no images from the museum’s collection are published online without prior discussion with, and authorisation from, the museum.
Charges for scanning & emailing digital copies:
We no longer charge per copy but do ask that you consider donating a suitable amount to the musuem to cover our costs.
Payment can be made by card via PayPal (you do not need to have a PayPal account).